Probate And Family Court
Two Center Plaza
Boston, MA 02108
January 22, 2010
Chief Justice Paula Carey,
You have been asked before on many occasion to come on our show or provide a member of your staff to answer questions that our taxpayers who fund you and your staff, are asking. These request has gone either unanswered or ignored by your office, or a simply letter giving to us where to find information regarding our request.
We thank you for some of the basic information your office has provided to us. Some or most of the information provided to us requires answers to some very tough questions which the information you provided does not give answers to.
Our taxpayers feel that since they are the ones paying you to do this job, then you should be able to provide these answers as the Chief Justice of Probate and Family Court, or be able to provide a member of your staff to appear on our show for a on camera interview.
For example your office was asked on September 8,2009 about permission to file in the Family and Probate Court, We find that this policy is a clear violation of ones due process right, And we want to give you or your office a chances to respond to our findings.
On October 7, 2009 You were asked to give permission to record any member of your court staff, Where you replied " In light of the fact that you have a case in the Essex Probate and Family court, staff from the court and my office will not agree to be interviewed as it would be inappropriate"
I ask you, Since I have no open cases in your court, and had no open case in your court prior to my letter of October 7, 2009, Would it still be inappropriate to have a on camera interview with you or any member of your staff?
Your letter to me dated November 22, 2009 referred me G.L.CH. 209A where information can be found, We thank you for sharing this information, However we find problems with such G.L.CH.209A, and wish to discuss our finding and have your reaction to our findings as Chief Justice of the Court.
Your letter to me dated December 10,2009, Your office provided us with the court rules 1:19 We thank you for sharing this information, However we see problems that I have addressed to you which still have gotten no clear answer that we can provide, We ask you to provided those answers to us.
On January 12, 2010 We asked your office to comment on your statement where you stated on December 16, 2009 "No one should be incarcerated if they are unable to pay" We seek to have your statement and or comment to this question and then have a follow up questions as to why this is still happening, and what steps is your office taking to ensure that the court proves UN WILLFULLY REFUSING VS Being Broke.
Your office responding by saying that your office does not get involed in pending cases, I'm asking you to give a response as to what you are doing to address this problem, not to discuss the case itself. We look forward to sitting down with you for a on camera interview, I think we can agree that this election in which Scott Brown was elected, was a big upset for our commonwealth, My viewers, and the groups that I work with, groups like Parental rights Alienation, Fathers taking action, Parents are parents 2, Fatherhood coalition, New tea party, and so many others are proud to have played a huge role in this election.
This election sends a strong message to our Government that the taxpayers are seeking answers, We will provide answers to their questions and we ask that you help provide those answers as Chief Justice of the Family and Probate Court.