Again thank you for all you do for us. I am looking for a sit down meeting with you and my other state Reps, Please provide a date that would work for you
I believe Senator Creem is in direct violation of Section 268A Section 23 of the State Ethics commission. I believe by being a practicing divorce lawyer and receiving compensation from her divorce practice as well as her work as a Special Master, while sitting on the Committee that decides bills which directly affect her own income is a direct conflict of interes. In fact the Massachusetts Bar even bragged about this conflict in its newsletter.
Senator Creem should either give up her chairmanship within the Judiciary Committe, at a minimum, or be instructed to cease and decist from her divorce practice while she sits over the fate of bills, such as the alimony reform bill and shared parenting bills while she as the co chair of the judiciary committee, which bills would directly affect her income.